The Gift of the Heart

The Gift of the Heart

The gift of the heart is love, joy and connection. An open heart is a gift in and of itself. What keeps your heart open? Is it talking with loved ones? Connecting to nature? Listening to music? If it’s hard to think of something that opens your heart, take a moment and put your hand over your heart. Close your eyes, and imagine your heart filling with beautiful golden light. Smile into your heart, breathing in clear, red light, and exhaling anything that doesn’t belong there-any bitterness or hatred. Inhale love, exhale bitterness. Inhale clear red light and smile into that amazing pump. Exhale any stale, gray, old energy out and release it into the earth. Do this 9 times. 9 inhales, 9 exhales. There, you’ve just done a round of healing heart qi gong. You can also smile into your heart and forgive anyone who has hurt your heart. Smile love and forgiveness their direction, not for their sake, but for yours. More heart healing. There, isn’t that feeling better already?


The Gift of the Spleen


The Gift of the Small Intestine