The Gift of the Spleen

The Gift of the Spleen

The gift of the Spleen is nurturing and grounding. What does nurturing look like to you? It’s not a one size fits all thing--it’s whatever you feel tended-to by. One way to connect with the gift of the Spleen, and to get feeling grounded REAL quick, is to get on the floor. Yup, all the way down there. Do some gentle stretching. Feel the muscles of your body get a little longer, feel a  little more spacious. There, there. Feeling a little more connected to earth? A little less rushed, a little more head on straight? Keep going. That’s Spleen medicine--stretching, take a little time, listening to the wisdom of those muscles. You don’t have to know that you’re doing, just listen to what that body of yours says, one little floor-stretchy move at a time. Aaaahhhhhhh. Two minutes, thank you Spleen. 


The Gift of the Stomach


The Gift of the Heart