The Gift of the Urinary Bladder

A persons hands can be seen massaging the back (bladder meridian) of another person that is lying prone.

The gift of the Urinary Bladder is in Regulating. The bladder holds urine, and knows when to release it. The Urinary bladder acupuncture channel is the longest channel of all, and it is used to regulate the immune system, to help regulate the nervous system, and points along this channel can balance all of the internal organ systems. Part of it’s course runs along the sides of the spine so I will often use it’s points to treat the back, especially the back muscles. Where in your life could you use more regulation? Where do you need to hold back a little, and where could you assert yourself more? If you’re not sure, try this urinary-bladder exercise: stand with your legs wide apart, and lean forward so that you’re hanging your upper body, head, and hands, comfortably stretching your hamstrings and the muscles along your spine. Feel that sense of aaaaahhhhhhh….That’s your urinary bladder channel relaxing a little. By stretching the back of your body, you make a little more space. Space for regulation. Space for knowing when to wait and when to go. It doesn’t take long, and your whole back will thank you for it! TLDR: hang forward and relax :)


The Gift of the Kidneys


The Gift of the Lungs